Gun Case Confirms Stadiums Count as School Grounds

An Iowa man who was charged with a felony for bringing a firearm onto school grounds lost his appeal after the state Supreme Court decided that a stadium — even one detached from academic facilities — qualifies as school property.

The Des Moines Register reports that James Mathias was putting flyers on parked cars outside the Brady Athletic Complex, a facility owned by Davenport Community Schools in September 2017. Mathias was approached by a police officer on patrol in the area. The officer noticed Mathias was carrying a gun, for which he also had a carry permit. The officer, unsure of whether the athletic complex — located more than a mile from the school — qualified as school grounds, did not arrest Mathias at the time, instead leading him off of the property.

The Register reports that after consulting with the County Attorney, Mathias was charged with a class D felony for bringing a firearm on school grounds. He was later convicted. read more at