District Introduces Staff to ‘3D Coaching’ Education – Athletic Business

The Lauderdale County (Miss.) School District on Tuesday introduced coaches and staff to the 3D Institute’s “3Dimensional Coaching” program to better their performance as instructors on and off the field.

As reported by The Meridian Star, the 3D Institute was established in 2014 as a means to educate coaches on how to influence their players in three key areas: fundamentals, or physicality; psychology, or mind; and spirit, or holism. Tim Moore, athletic director for the LCSD, said the goal was to introduce the district’s coaches to the 3D Coaching program so they could later take an online certification course designed to improve how coaches interact with their student-athletes.

Challenges facing student-athletes include increased pressures brought on by sports specialization, as well as societal pressures exacerbated by social media. read more at athleticbusiness.com