February LTI Class Offerings Announced

The UIAAA will host its annual mid-winter LTI classes on Monday, February 7, 2022.

LTC 501 and LTC 714 will be offered to athletic administrators interested in professional development and certification. The schedule includes LTC 501 offered from 8:00am-12:00pm and LTC 714 from 12:30pm-4:30pm. Lunch will be provided between courses (if classes are in-person).

The current plan is to offer the classes as in-person instruction at the UHSAA offices in Midvale. However, based on UHSAA guidelines for facility use the classes may be offered online on February 7th.

Cost for each class is $80 for one course or $150 for both.

LTC 501 Athletic Administration: Guiding Foundations and Philosophies
The flagship course of Leadership Training serves as an overview for interscholastic athletic administration. This course introduces the philosophy of educational athletics, then focuses on the roles of the NIAAA, the NFHS, the State Athletic/Activity Associations, and the State Athletic Administrator’s Associations. The course also previews the NIAAA Leadership training and Certification Programs. It is a prerequisite for all four levels of certification and includes study materials for the CAA exam. Required for: LTI instructors and all certifications.

LTC 714 Administration of Professional Growth Programs For Interscholastic Athletic Personnel
This course will focus on certain challenging human behaviors that cause discomfort and anxiety in our daily lives. It examines theories and causes with strategies for preventing, managing and transforming these challenging behaviors. In addition, techniques will be covered in response to anger, sarcasm, denigration, complainers and backbiters and obstinate-rigid people. Additional strategies for interaction with parents who demand involvement in athletic department decision-making will also be presented.

Registration for the classes is done online at the UIAAA FinalForms AMP site – Events.
