New UIAAA State Awards Program

As a UIAAA member, you now have the ability to apply for (or nominate another for) UIAAA State awards via the UIAAA AMP platform!

In order to help you understand this process, below is a quick step-by-step guide to how you can set up your first award nomination:

  1. Access your UIAAA applicant at
  2. At the top of your screen, click on the new AWARDS tab.
  3. On the awards listing page, choose the award you wish to apply for (or nominate another UIAAA member for) and click CREATE NOMINATION.
  4. Fill out the fields for nominator (the person submitting the nomination, usually yourself), the nominee (the person being nominated: could be you or a peer), and click CREATE NOMINATION.
  5. Follow the step-by-step guide to submit the nomination to the board for review.