NIAAA Board Position for Section 7 – Utah Representative Application


The UIAAA is scheduled to name a candidate for the NIAAA Board of Directors to be placed in nomination at the spring 2022 Section 7 meeting in Las Vegas. The candidate will begin taking office on the NIAAA Board of Directors December 2023 in Orlando, Florida. This is a three year commitment and this candidate will replace Xavier Antheaume, our current Section 7 board representative. The term runs from December 2023-December 2026.

If you meet all of the following qualifications you are eligible to apply. You have to meet all of the below qualifications in addition to a firm commitment to remain in the position of athletic administrator during this time period of service.


1. Minimum of 5 years NIAAA membership, 5 years state athletic administrator association membership, currently a regular member of both associations and an active athletic administrator employed by a school district.

2. Must have obtained a minimum of a CAA certification. Must have demonstrated some involvement to the NIAAA such as but not limited to participation at the National Conference, an NIAAA voting delegate, committee member, NIAAA liaison or National Conference program participant (speaker, moderator, etc.)

3. Must have demonstrated some involvement to the state athletic administrator association such as but not limited to participation as an officer, board member, committee member or presenter at the state conference.

4. A minimum of 5 years experience as a high school or middle school athletic administrator.

This position rotates among the states within the Section and our last representative from Utah was Marc Hunter. It will come back around to the UIAAA in another 15 years. It is the will of the UIAAA Executive Board to be able to place a worthy candidate in this position that will represent our state and section in a manner that is consistent with the respected reputation that we have worked hard to achieve nationally. We are not eligible for an at-large bid due to having an open seat at this time. Having a member of our organization in this role would be great for the individual as well as our state and association.

The following are commitments related to this stewardship position:

· Attendance at the NIAAA National Conferences from 2023 -2026

· Preside and run the Section 7 meeting which is held each spring in states in Section 7

· Preside and run the Section 7 meeting at the National Conference

· Attend NIAAA Board of Directors meetings, at the expense of the NIAAA, in February and July and at the National Conference in December at your own expense

· Participate in NIAAA Board conference calls as needed

· Communicate with Section 7 liaisons and Executive Directors after each Board meeting and keep them apprised of Board news and events.

· Represent all states in Section 7 in this position

· Check and respond to email, text, and other communications on a regular and timely basis.

· Other requirements as requested by the NIAAA

If you are interested please send a letter of interest as well as a resume to Rich Barton ( by January 31, 2022.

We would like to have our candidate determined by May 1, 2022 so that this person can solidify future plans and have time to become familiar with the process and responsibilities related to the position.

Feel free to contact Rich Barton for additional information.