Six Utah Athletic Administrators Earn CAA Designation in 2019

Certified Athletic Administrator - UIAAA

The past year saw the following six Utah ADs obtain Certified Athletic Administrator (CAA) designation from the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Administration (NIAAA).

Andrew Blanchard – Copper Hills
Kirk Chambers – Provo
Mark Clinton – Skyridge
Daron Connelly – Alta
Bryan Durst – American Prep
Clark Stringfellow – Bountiful

The Certification Program provides a credential for the athletic administrator to demonstrate professional growth. The attainment may be a requirement, a personal goal, may serve as a practical vehicle for attaining continuing education requirements, or lead to salary enhancements. The process of certification provides systematic professional continuity toward a leadership role while acquiring a strong background of educational preparation.

Professionals seeking certification will:
• Develop a sense of personal and professional satisfaction.
• Demonstrate a commitment to excellence in the profession.
• Provide growth of professional knowledge and expertise.
• Enhance the perception of the profession.
• Increase the potential for employment opportunities
or incentives.
• Participate in a nationally registered program.